Farrer & Co Won’t Win Any Clients in Switzerland

They may be the Queen’s lawyers, but they won’t win any business in Switzerland. I wonder how long it will take before Matthew Wilson of Travellers Insurance – Matthew.Wilson@travelers.com decides to drop their insurance cover due to their persistent breach of their own Terms & Conditions. Aviva already dropped them.

The following information is being posted as the British Media have not been reporting the facts of the Farrer & Co vs Meyer legal matter correctly.

I am the Chairman and CEO of VIVA Investment Partners – www.vivapartners.net – a Swiss Investment Corporation for 3.5 years, and a resident of Zurich, for the same time. I haven’t been the CEO of Ariadne Capital for 5 years. I sold the Ariadne Capital Group to VIVA Investment Partners in July 2018, and was asked to become the CEO. I became the Chairman in February 2021.

I have paid what I believe is owed to Farrer & Co; the fully executed engagement letter states very clearly:

  • The monthly sum is capped at £10 K and the total exposure at any one time is £40 K; how Farrer & Co arrive at £200,000 owing for 5 months worth of work is beyond me and any other rational person who has had the details of the case
  • I have paid £72,000 – a point that Farrer & co have never disputed.

Farrer & Co are in a fundamental breach of the very contract that they seek to enforce. According to clause 14.4 of their Terms & Conditions, they must secure my authorisation and approval for using my name, case, situation and property rights, and they have not. At precisely the same time that they were trying to secure a Committal Order, they were using my name in their marketing – specifically the Legal Review 500 – where they probably did not believe that I would ever know about it. Legal Review 500 for the year 2020 where on page 19 my name and situation are used without authorisation; they even spelt the name of the firm wrong. There is no Ariadne Capital Partners. This is in direct violation of their Terms of Engagement – Clause 14.4 which is attached. This is a fundamental breach which renders their contract broken

Julian Pike was prosecuted by the SRA for having lied to Parliament, and was forced to pay the costs of the prosecution which we all know is the way that guilty parties are forced to pay their losing side. Had I known that Mr Pike had a reputational problem of his own, never would I have hired him for reputational management. Farrers’ Head of Reputation Management prosecuted by SRA | RollOnFriday

Farrer & Co failed at just about every aspect of the work that they were asked to do:

  • Submit a Police Report; they wrote it up, and then claimed to not have any contacts at the police
  • Secure a Norwich Pharmacal Order; they did it in the wrong jurisdiction
  • Submit a Credit Bid in a Company in Administration where I was the Secured Creditor; they presented themselves as an Insolvency Practioner and in fact were not; they failed to secure the Credit Bid, and so annoyed the Administrator that despite being the Secured Creditor, I have lost that opportunity.
  • Several more incompetencies on their part

Farrer & Co secured a Default Judgement in a Cloud of Weirdness; they claim to have submitted their application for Default Judgment on the 4th of December 2020, but cannot or will not prove it. It is only stamped by the Court on the 10th of December. No other records have been found. This is important as they claim that they secured it before I made contact with Mr Pike on the 7th of December as I knew nothing about the Claim until a journalist contacted me. It does not look like they did secure it before the 7th, and Mr Pike’s email to me on the 10th of December claiming to have been off email for a week reflects his lack of integrity which is violation of the SRA’s Principle 2. He should be disbarred, and we intend to see that this happens.

I was prevented from attending the hearing on the 4th of March 2020 due to a medical condition most likely to be COVID, and a Swiss medical certificate and an employer’s refusal to let me travel. Instead of acknowledging this, and accepting that I had submitted the required Part 71 documents, was represented, was available by zoom, and would come when I got well, Judge Saini not only did not allow the Default Judgement to be set aside, he gave me a Contempt of Court order. The rationale for the discretion that he used to make this judgement is lost as I was not permitted to listen remotely and the audio tapes have been lost.

In Jan 2022, my Swiss lawyers provided to the UK High Court very clear legal opinions that the Part 71 procedure is illegal in Switzerland. You cannot compel a Director of a Swiss firm to turn over company documents. Despite this clear legal opinion which was bolstered by two other law firms, the High Court ignored it, and gave me a Contempt of Court judgement. The Swiss Legal Advice which states very clearly in Clause 23: ‘The Approach of Farrer & Co is Illegal in Switzerland’

No media who has reported this ‘story’ has mentioned COVID despite the fact that the UK Court System is reeling from the effects of COVID. I was given a Contempt of Court order just days before the UK shut down due to COVID.

The Appellate Court wrote to my Solicitor saying that, ‘Ms Meyer is unrepresented…’ to which my Solicitor responded, ‘No I am her representative, you sent this to her Solicitor so clearly she is represented.’

There is no criminal conviction against me. There is a civil judgement which I dispute and am appealing.

This is a case of the bully on the playground trying to ensure job security.

I used to babysit little boys like this.